On the rather warm Saturday morning of June 18, 2022 at about 8:00 AM, 16
members of the Austin Metal Detecting Club gathered at the very secure entrance
to the Austin Rugby Club fields that are also well hidden between Loyola Lane
and Hiway 183 on the northeast side of town. We met for the purpose of metal
detecting the three playing fields and generous surrounding space. We were
hoping to find interesting items lost by the attendees to the tournments held at
the rugby fields every year, and possibly even find some coins or a lost piece
of jewelry. Happily, our hopes were fullfilled.
Some people searched mainly on the playing fields, while others focused on the
sidelines. A few wandered off to the corner of the property where parties were
held. One or two even tried to stay in the shade of the large trees to avoid the
worst of the heat, and a few brave souls searched the parking lot. Pretty much
everywhere someone tried, something interesting was found. But sadly, no one
found enough treasure to get rich and retire.
The Rugby Club manager generously gave us permission to search the fields all
morning and afternoon. But by about 11:15 AM, everyone was pretty well roasted,
so we gathered under the covered pavilion to rehydrate and 'show and tell'
our finds.
Three lucky members won a prize for finding the 'best' item in each
of the three randomly selected categories of bottle caps, jewelry and
coins. The winner of the bottle cap find category was Andrew Phillips who clearly dug
more of them than anyone else, so an exact count was unnecessary. He won a
shiny new copper round for his effort. The second find category winner was
Danna Robertson who found a nice silver ring. We can't say more or show it yet
as it still might be claimed by the person that lost it. Regardless, Danna won a
silver dime for finding the best jewelry of the day. The coin category winner
was Mitch London. He won a clad half dollar for finding the best coin - a 1965
British Crown coin pictured below.
After the hunt most folks ate lunch together at the nearby Tres Amigos Restaurant.