Name: Trason

City, State and Zip: Brenham, Texas

Location where item was lost if different from address: 5236 East Highway 71, Del Valle, Tx

How long ago was item lost? Today, 6-5-24

Message and comments: I am from out of town working on a job site here, directly next to the Watering Hole Saloon. I've lost my knife, it fell right out of the sheath. We will be leaving this job site tomorrow night, and I have to find this knife. I'm not at financial liberty to buy a metal detector, so I'm outsourcing for EXTREMELY NECESSARY help. The knife was my grandfathers who died in 2016. It's extremely sentimental and I can't lose it. Please, I understand it's short notice but I don't know of anyone who can help. Myself and 3 other workers looked for it for hours and weren't able to find it. The handle blends in EXTREMELY well with the dead grass.

Team Leader instructions: June #1
The item is a fixed blade knife lost while working on a billboard next to the Watering Hole Saloon. Trason will finish up the job tomorrow and be leaving, so if anyone is available tomorrow, please reply-all.
Thanks, Scott

Initial response from Mitch: I could possibly help but I have work till 1 pm.

Scott's response: Go ahead and call him Mitch, he can send you a picture of the location.
Thanks, Scott

Second response from Mitch: I set up a time of about 2:30 tomorrow afternoon, as I get out of work at 1 and about an hour and a half to get there. If anyone wants to help, come on out.

Third response from Mitch: I read his address instead of lost item's address, so I won't drive to Brenham after all. Whew, so likely about 1:30 tomorrow if anyone wants to go.

Fourth response from Mitch: Probably need help. I'm here now. I donated blood yesterday so I'm tiring out and it's hot and I left my detector battery cover at home.

Then ... Yep. I'm done. I figured if no one else tries today we can try another day when there's nobody here and it's also possible that it's underneath one of the trucks that they're using right now.

Still later ... Well, I made it home. Some more background on the search for anyone else wanting to do it. Number one do it early in the day when it's not so hot. Number two bring plenty of water to drink. Number three the knife could be buried or at least pressed flat into the ground as they have driven the trucks over the area a few times and it was still muddy when they first lost the knife.

The search area is on the south side of the freeway right near a brand new billboard sign. The search area is basically below and to the right of the billboard where the trucks were and further eastward where all the grass has been trampled down and a little bit to the north and south of that where the grass is not so trampled down. In the picture below basically to the left of those brush piles is the area, approximately.
Search Site

And finally: I would like to try again this Sunday morning if anyone wishes to join me. I will try to be there at 9 am so it is not as hot. Let me know if you plan to go. Just be wary of where you park as it is connected to a residential driveway.

Response from Scott: I am planning on helping you on Sunday.

Results from Scott: After our good luck finding the knife, Alan, Mitch and Scott went to ...

Results from Mitch: The trucks had been removed which was a good thing as Alan ended up finding the knife right where a large truck had been parked, so I could not have found it regardless.
